Art as Resistance

The question of the artist is what does freedom look like? The question of the activist is how might it be obtained? The question of the activist is how might we dismantle the system. The question of the artist is how might we envision liberation beyond the system.

—    Carlton Mackey, Creative Director, Freedom, Bound

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Jamaal Barber, an Atlanta-based artist and printmaker, discusses the process of creating "100%", his commissioned piece for Freedom, Bound.  As a printmaker, Barber has long been inspired by the work of Emory Douglas, the Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party, whose art and illustrations are iconic for the Black freedom movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Huey P. Newton, the chairman of the Black Panther Party, and outspoken supporter of global freedom struggles, said “We support the Palestinian’s just struggle for liberation one hundred percent.” Barber’s print, reminiscent of a design by Douglas and elevating Newton’s words of support, honors the legacy of these two visionary leaders. The print features Newton together with contemporary activists, all atop a traditional Palestinian keffiyeh, giving expression to the timelessness and inherent interconnectedness of movements for liberation.

Artistic Responses

In January 2017, Freedom, Bound issued a Call to Artists for contemporary artistic responses to the living legacy of Black-Palestinian solidarity. Artists from Palestine/Israel, the Palestinian diaspora and the US submitted their creations and offered visions of collective liberation.

Together with a commissioned piece by Atlanta-based artist Jamaal Barber, a jury selected five artists to join the Freedom, Bound exhibit and to inspire imaginations for the world we desire. The winning submissions are featured below, and we invite you to further explore and support their powerful work: Dexter R. Jones, Sharaf DarZaid, Ali Akla, Muhammad Sankari, Lubna Morrar and sb.